
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Presentation of Dewey Word Clouds

I wanted a record of some of the products I worked on with students. So this post is an attempt to show anyone (who cares to see) one example. What will hopefully be shown in the presentation are the images of word clouds that 5th grade students created in pairs or groups of three. The words they chose were descriptions of the books found within a certain category of the Dewey Decimal System. I briefly showed in a previous post just one example (or two?). Here you will see all of them - the good, the bad, and the ugly (sorry kids!).

Click Here to go to a separate page to see the presentation.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Photo Book

Shutterfly photo books are the new way to preserve your memories. Create your own today.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pinterest Baby

I am one of the many addicts of Pinterest. I finally decided to start creating my own projects based on all the pictures that inspire me. So this is just a quick post to say, "Here's what I made..."

My mother sewed the bibs for me and I did the ironing. My part was definitely easier. Thanks mom! Your grandbaby has the coolest bibs!

You may have seen the bib above with variations that say "These dumbasses put my cape on backwards" or "These fools put my cape on backwards". My version is so much better.

I cannot wait to experience the magic of Harry Potter with my children!

Thanks for checking out my Pinterest Projects.